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Do you want to be a volounteer?

Lovely, you are needed!

Together we create a fantastic

competition and experience!

I want to register as a volounteer.

I can help..

What time works for you?

Volunteers get their pay in gratitude and experiences, JFSHK provides the food on the days you work!

Thank you for your registration!

Examples of tasks for volunteers

Here you will be able to read more about which tasks we need help with

Preparation March 15

Start Size 16 March

- Prepare the starting area in Storlien

- Take out straw/wood wool, water and arrange the cp in Ånn

- Mark the track with a scooter

- Parking attendant

- Veterinary check and check-in

- Parking attendant

- Lead the team to the start

- Pick up the starting area

Checkpiont Ånn 16 March


- Show incoming mushers to their location




More info to come

More info to come

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