Vaccine & Vet
All dogs that come from countries outside Sweden and Norway must have a rabies vaccine.
All dogs, regardless of country, must be vaccinated against distemper, parvo and infectious liver disease.
1st-time vaccinated dogs may not have vaccines older than 1 year (365 days). Revaccinated dogs (from other documented vaccinations on the vaccination card) may not have vaccines older than 4 years during the competition.
The vaccination must be done at least 14 days before the competition day.
Furthermore, it is recommended that participating dogs are also vaccinated against parainfluenza (kennel cough).
Anti-doping regulations & vet
Since the race goes through Sweden, the Swedish anti-doping regulations apply!
As a starting point, all medications for dogs and doping of dogs and drivers are prohibited.
If a participant is caught with medication in the sled, that person risks being disqualified.
Many medicines also have withdrawal rules, i.e. they cannot be given within a certain number of days before a competition. For details on medication for dogs, more information is available at In case of necessary medication that is allowed, please contact the referee and tell him before the competition so that there is no misunderstanding.
Please note that the Swedish doping regulations are stricter than the rules from the IFSS.
Here you can take part in the National doping regulations issued by the Swedish Kennel Club and i.a. Swedish Draghund Sports Association. Completed with ATC list of Swedish medicinal substances.